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Getting a job in Britain Part two: working in the hotel trade

British Language Centre
This week we have some phrases that might be useful when working in the hotel industry and the tourist trade. CLEANING AND CHAMBERMAID WORK: Your duties will include cleaning the rooms and doing the hotel laundry.

This week we have some phrases that might be useful when working in the hotel industry and the tourist trade.

Your duties will include cleaning the rooms and doing the hotel laundry.
– Do Pani obowiązków należeć będzie sprzątanie pokoi i robienie prania.
You will have to clean the rooms and do the hotel laundry.
– Będzie Pani musiała sprzątać pokoje i robić pranie.
Change the bedclothes, whether they need changing or not.
– Zmień prześcieradła bez względu na to, czy są czyste, czy brudne.
(Make the bed means put the bedclothes back on the bed so someone can sleep in it.)
The vacuum cleaner is kept in the cupboard behind the kitchen.
– Odkurzacz znajduje się w szafce za kuchenką.
(A hoover is another name for a vacuum cleaner.)
Room eight has run out of soap. Could you replace it?
– W pokoju nr 8 skończyło się mydło. Czy mogłabyś je uzupełnić?
Could you bring some fresh towels to room fourteen?
– Czy możesz przynieść świeże ręczniki do pokoju nr 14?
If someone has a card with DO NOT DISTURB on their door handle, don’t clean their room but come back later.
– Jeśli ktoś wywiesi kartkę „Nie przeszkadzać”, nie sprzątaj pokoju, ale przyjdź później.

We have a double room or we can offer you two singles.
– Mamy pokoje podwójne lub możemy zaoferować Państwu dwa pokoje pojedyncze.
If you go out of the hotel, could you leave your key at reception, please?
– Jeśli będą Państwo wychodzić z hotelu, prosimy o zostawienie kluczy w recepcji.
We’ll need some identification. Do you have a driving licence or passport?
– Potrzebujemy jakiegoś dowodu tożsamości. Czy mają Państwo prawo jazdy lub paszport?
Could you sign the register here please? Thank you.
– Czy mogliby Państwo tutaj podpisać? Dziękujemy.
Breakfast is served from seven to nine in the morning.
– Śniadanie serwujemy pomiędzy 7 a 9 rano.
If you would like breakfast in bed, you will need to order it from reception.
– Jeśli chcieliby Państwo śniadanie w pokoju, prosimy zamówić je w recepcji.
You can contact room service and reception from the phone in your room.
– Można skontaktować się z obsługą lub recepcją, korzystając z telefonu z Państwa pokoju.
If you would like to make an outside call, first dial 0. The call will be billed to you automatically.
– Aby wykonać telefon poza hotel prosimy wybrać 0. Zostaną Państwo automatycznie obciążeni kosztem rozmowy.

Tickets cost ten pounds for adults and five pounds for children and concessions.
– Bilety kosztują 10 funtów dla dorosłych, 5 funtów dla dzieci i osób, którym przysługują zniżki.
(Concessions are people, who get a reduction in ticket prices such as students and senior citizens.)
Here are your tickets and your receipt. Enjoy your visit.
– Oto Państwa bilety oraz paragon. Życzymy miłego zwiedzania.
Would you like to buy a guidebook as well?
– Czy chcieliby Państwo także kupić przewodnik?
There are guided tours every hour. They cost extra.
– Co godzinę są wycieczki z przewodnikiem, które kosztują dodatkowo.
There is a souvenir shop just next to the exit. You can buy postcards and gifts there.
– Przy wyjściu znajduje się sklep z pamiątkami. Można tam kupić pocztówki oraz prezenty.

Situation one: You are working as a chambermaid and a guest says:
Excuse me, there’s no hot water in my room.
Which of these is the best answer?
a) Turn on the hot tap.
b) I’m sorry, but that’s not really my job. I’m just the cleaner.
c) I’ll speak to the manager right away.
Situation two. You have a job as a hotel receptionist. A guest comes up to you with a document in their hand and asks:
Could you tell me if it is possible to send a fax from this hotel?

Which of these is the best response?
a) Yes, it is. Our fax number is 0045 177 833.
b) Unfortunately we don’t have a fax machine for the guests” use.
c) No, you can’t.
Situation three. You are selling tickets at Canterbury Cathedral and a tourist asks:
Where can I see the place, where Thomas Becket was gunned down?

Which is the only appropriate reply, and why?
a) The place, where he was killed, is in the cathedral. There’s a sign on the wall that shows the exact place.
b) I’m not sure myself. I’ll have a look in the guidebook.
c) Listen you stupid tourist, Thomas Becket was killed with swords, not guns. Guns hadn’t even been invented then. Honestly are you thick or something?

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