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Getting a job in Britain Part twelve: Working as a care assistant

British Language Centre
One thing to remember in the caring professions, especially when dealing with the elderly, is that you have to look after your own health and well-being at the same time.

One thing to remember in the caring professions, especially when dealing with the elderly, is that you have to look after your own health and well-being at the
same time. No employer is allowed to ask you to lift or carry something
in a way that could injure you, and you must always have at least two people to carry someone. You should get training on the job if there are any special techniques to follow.

There are strict rules in Britain about the age that children can be left alone at home. Remember also that there is a level of paranoia about the safety of children among a lot of British people, so don’t be surprised if you have to go through all sorts of security checks before you start work.

Things you might need to say at work:
I need someone to help me lift her.
– Potrzebuję, aby ktoś pomógł mi ją podnieść.

How do I do that without damaging my back?
– Jak mogę to zrobić, aby nie uszkodzić sobie pleców?

What do I need to know about each of the residents?
– Co powinienem wiedzieć o każdym pacjencie?
Some care homes will
call the people they look after patients and some will call
them residents. Don’t make the mistake of calling people inmates,
as that is the name we normally use for prisoners.

Am I supposed to give them their medication as well?
– Czy do moich obowiązków należy dawanie im leków
What should I do if I need extra help in an emergency?
– Co powinienem zrobić jeśli będę potrzebował pomocy w sytuacji nadzwyczajnej?
Things your employer
might say to you:

Have you had any experience in the caring profession?
– Czy ma Pan doświadczenie w opiekowaniu się ludźmi?

We need to do a police check on you.
– Musimy Pan przejść procedury policyjne.

Who can we contact for references?
– Z kim możemy się skontaktować, aby uzyskać Pana referencje?
It is possible to work in the caring professions without any major qualifications, but most agencies and care homes are looking for people with some sort of experience. The ones that will hire just about anyone might be the ones you should avoid. If they can’t get properly qualified staff, there may be a very good reason for that.

Things parents
might say to you:
I want them in bed by nine.
– Chcę, aby byli w łóżku o dziewiątej

They can stay up longer on Fridays, but only for an hour more.
– Mogą pójść spać później w piątki, ale tylko o godzinę.
If you are babysitting for
parents, expect the children
to try every trick in the book to stay up past their bedtime! Of course, if the children are so spoilt that
every one of them has a television in their room, they will probably be happy to go to bed at the agreed time.

The youngest is not allowed to go in the garage.
– Najmłodsze nie może wchodzić do garażu.

You can let the oldest child use the kettle.
– Najstarsze dziecko może obsługiwać czajnik.

Keep this out of reach of the children.
– Trzymaj to w miejscu poza zasięgiem dzieci.
Parents might say this about medicines or toxic cleaning materials like bleach.
Don’t be surprised, by the way,
if you find very different policies on who is allowed to do what and at what age between different families.

She is on a special diet.
– Ona jest na specjalnej dziecie.

He has to take these tablets three times a day.
– On musi brać te tabletki trzy razy dziennie.

This is their doctor’s number.
– To jest numer telefonu do ich lekarza.

Never let them out of your sight.
– Nigdy nie spuszczaj ich z pola widzenia.
You will hear this phrase a lot if the parents are really paranoid. It is, nevertheless, the golden rule of looking after children, especially when you are taking them somewhere in a public place.

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